From the lecture in class. that about the simulation and watched movie about the person name Borat . aj. need student to compare between lecture and movie.
The lecture tell about the real things and the things that simulated. the people can't distinguish it. For example , the advertisement of the car .people can't separate it that is the real one or not. How do we know that we are not get deceived? but this are different from the man is name "Borat".
In movie is the one that want people see though social affect. Borat ,he live in countryside and far from America. he got the chance and have a purpose in life. he not fake to other people. he be self and brave to do anythings that he want.
Compare to the social in present day. the people do the things by trend, look to other people and follow to do it. people see the same world but Borat he see different from the other.
The world changed, everything in the world progressing and somethings that not good too. people in present day can't guess. some be fake and some be sincere.Borat he be self not fake and do the things that he want ,so do anythings that you want to do . don't follow the other...